I came home to discover that a wind storm had blown Mother Plant over. As my neighbor so eloquently put it,"The leaves act like sails" catching the wind and blowing the plant over.
Well Mother Plant came out of her 22-inch pot, so I was able to see just how root bound she was. I guess she was trying to tell me something. I immediately went to Lowe's to find a bigger pot. Well they didn't carry a pot any bigger, so I got a trash can. It may not be pretty but it is cheaper than a flower pot. I hope Mother Plant fruits soon because I cannot get a container any bigger than what she is in now.
I removed the old, dying stem tissue, which exposed the new tissue beneath. I'm not sure if it is better to leave the old plant material on the plant or to take it off. I was thinking about water retention, mold, and mildew problems, so I removed the old plant material.